Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs McDermott

Welcome to the Year 6 home page!

In Year 6 we most certainly have a work hard, play hard attitude! Our team consists of me -Mrs McDermott, Mrs Berge (Mon – Wed) and Miss Simpson (Thurs).   On a Thursday when I have management time, Mrs Dobson will teach year 6 and this will be Science or maths. 

Over this term, we will be reading and writing all about dragons which will lead us beautifully on to the story of Beowulf and Anglo Saxon Boy, which will be our book focuses in literacy.  We will learn all about the Anglo Saxons in history and through geography we will consider where the Angles, Jutes and Saxons travelled from.

In maths, our first focus is place value, where we will work with numbers up to 10,000,000 and then we will revisit the four calculations.  I know the children are excellent mathematicians and I am looking forward to solving problems with them over the year. Our science topic this half term is light and how we see things.

Thank you for ensuring all children have indoor and outdoor shoes for the start of the term.  They are already the best class I have had at organising their cloakroom – long may this continue! Indoor shoes will stay in school on their chair.  Children only need one pair of outdoor shoes that they will wear to and from school. 

Make sure you keep an eye on the newsletter as I will be posting important information and updates and sharing photos of our activities from the week. 

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on or as always my door is always open for anyone who wants to chat face to face.

Mrs McDermott

Here is a wonderful website with book recommendations for all year groups.


Year 6 Important Information


Reading journal homeowork set and returned the following week.  Children have one whole week for their reading journal activity.

TUESDAY: Swimming kit required! 

WEDNESDAY: Outdoor PE kit required (DV pe top, red or white top, black shorts or joggers and the school jumper and fleece.  No football kits please).

Orchestra - instruments. 

Maths homework sheet handed out and returned the following week. They have a whole week to complete this homework sheet).



All online homework to be complete This will reset again today.

Spelling test - these will be in line with their spell shed games

Children will have Music, spellings and handwriting, art and Forest school (on alternate weeks - ours begins 13/9/24)- all children must bring with them wellies and waterproofs to put on over their uniform.  Failure to bring these will result in children missing forest school.  Forest school dates can be found on school spider or the website calendar: Dean Valley Primary School: Our Events

TT ROCKSTARS and NUMBOTS reviewed to see weekly progress. 

It is vital your children know their times tables as all the maths we access in maths is linked to the 36 key multiplication facts.  Please try where possible to rehearse times tables out loud so they children remember them a little like a chant / song.  This will help children to access the maths and become more fluent in problem solving :)

Things to remember: 

  • A positive mindset.
  • School shoes/ indoor shoes will remain in shool  and children can come to school in their outdoor shoes everyday. 
  • All children with long hair must wear it tied back. 
  • Children only need to bring the essentials into school every day – lunchbox and water bottle. They will be provided with all equipment. Children can  leave their pencil case in school.
  • Children are welcome to bring water bottles into the classroom to be kept under or next to desks.
  • A suitable coat is vital as we will spend time outside every day, for daily miles, playtimes and other outdoor learning opportunities.


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Year 6: Gallery items

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Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm