Home Learning

Home learning

Maths home learning will be TT Rockstars and NumBots. Please work on Times tables with your children, they need to work on knowing these inside out recalling tables quickly to problem solve. Consider the inverse operation of division, knowing that 64 divided by 8 = 8. The children will also be set regular tasks on Maths.co.uk that link to the in-class learning from the week. You may support your child with these tasks. Every Friday in the spring term, children will complete an A3 maths paper so that we can address any misconceptions and make progress towards all areas of maths, including some of the learning the children may have missed earlier on in school due to school cloures in the pandemic. 

Reading should be compelted weekly. Reading is a fantastic way to learn and to stretch your imagination. In year 6, we work hard to develop our fluency and understanding of text, focussing on active reading where we question, summarise and investigate language. Please continue to read with your child at home and focus on asking them questions about the text they have read.   

Grammar tasks will be assigned on SPAG.com. The tasks will link to the learning in-class and they will help inform the objectives that require further practise and teaching. These will be set regularly and I will make you aware of hen we have completed these. 

Year 5/6 Spellings are given to the children each week and they will be tested on a Friday. Please practise these weekly on SpellingShed and consider the spelling patterns and methods to help them remember them for the future. 

If you require any login details and passwords for home learning websites, then please contact me through email on class6@deanvalley.cheshire.sch.uk 


SPRING HOMEWORK - Don't forget this is in addition to numbots / TT and Spellshed

Week 1 Reading Homework: Free choice reading for pleasure

Week 2 Reading Homework: World book day - Stick a photograph of you with your favourite book, reading in an unusual place.  Write a bok review for your favourite book.

Week 3 Reading Homework: spag.com please complete the SPAG TEST by Monday 18th March.  We will use this to plan our curriculum over the next few weeks and identify any areas we need to consolidate.

Week 4 Reading Homework: Reading comprehension exercise 

Week 5 Reading Homework: Reading comprehension exercise




These links may help with homework and to support our learning!








Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm