School Holidays


Please note that 'date of closing' is the last day that children are in school and 'date of re-opening' is when children are expected back in school. INSET (teacher training) days are also listed at the bottom of the holiday list.

Cheshire East has a statutory duty to set term dates for Community and Controlled schools and clusters of schools may agree minor local variations with the Local Authority. Dean Valley is a Community school. We also liaise with local primary schools and Tytherington School when setting term dates and INSET days. Further information about school term dates can be found below or on Cheshire East Council's website here, including future academic year's term dates and the principles for setting term dates.

Please also note the legislation effective from 1st September 2013, which does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Please read this letter from Cheshire East Council which gives further information.

What does the law say about attendance at school?

The law requires all children between the ages of 5 and 16 to be in full time education. Under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 it is the duty of the parent/carer of a child of compulsory school age to ensure that they attend school regularly.

  • Education Supervision Order Children’s Act 1989: The local authority can apply to the courts where attendance remains poor. A named education supervisor would be appointed to work with the family for up to 12 months to ensure that the young person receives full time education.
  • School Attendance Order Education Act 1996: If this is issued; parents would be directed to register their child at a school named by the local authority.
  • Penalty Notice: A warning letter can be issued when a pupil has had 10 or more unauthorised absences from school. The warning letter gives parents a period of 15 school days of monitoring. If at the end of this period there has not been an improvement or an improvement has been made but not sustained, a Penalty Notice will be issued. Each parent/carer would have to pay £60.00 per child. If this is not paid within 21 days, the payment increases to £120.00 per child per parent. Payments will not be accepted after 28 days. If parents do not pay the Local Authority will prosecute in the Magistrates’ Court. If convicted the parent will have a criminal record and may receive a fine of up to £1000.

Further documentation:

Cheshire East Council - code of conduct regarding penalty notices

Cheshire East Council - helping your child attend school

Cheshire East Council - taking action to improve attendance

Cheshire East Council - taking children on holiday during term time

Penalty notice fines for school attendance are changing.  With the the introduction of the new National Framework for Penalty Notices on 19th August 2024. Please see the attachment. 



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Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm