Committee Terms of Reference
Dean Valley Governing Board Committee Structure
General Terms of Reference which apply to all committees
Specific Terms of reference for:
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Pupil Well Being
Premises, Finance and Health and Safety
Raising Achievement Committee
Safeguarding – specialist function – fulfilled through half termly meetings with Headteacher
Class Governor
Link Governor
Committees which meet when required:
Permanent Exclusions – named appeal governors
Grievance – named governors
Appointments – named governors
Headteacher’s Performance Management – named governors
Governing Body Structure and Committee Membership
See appendix 1
The Governing Body needs to take a strategic role, act as a critical friend to the school and be accountable for its decisions. It should set aims and objectives and review, agree and monitor policies, targets and priorities. Governing Body meetings will be open to the public with Minutes available except for Part II business. In the event of a tied vote the Chair or Acting Chair/Vice Chair will have a second or casting vote.
The Governing Body will:
Hold at least 6 meetings per year – 2 per term
Appoint or remove the clerk
Elect a Chair and Vice Chair
Advise all parents of any parent governor vacancies, all staff of staff governor vacancies and to appoint community governors
Ensure statutory information is sent to parents
Annually ratify the School’s Self Evaluation Form/Document
Set dates of meetings for the year ahead
Note term dates for the academic year and agree the occasional days
Receive Head teacher reports
Review and monitor assessment/progress/national test results
Review the level of exclusions
Monitor attendance of pupils/staff/governors
Review, adopt and monitor a Freedom of Information Policy
Agree Curriculum plans
Set pupil performance targets
If required, consider the suspension of a governor
Provide induction for new governors
Encourage governors to visit school and to review, adopt and monitor a governors’ visit policy and feedback procedure
Review, adopt and monitor the procedures for dealing with complaints from parents/carers
Review, approve and monitor the Strategic School Improvement Plan
Annually elect governors for the following responsibilities:-
Literacy, Numeracy, SEN, Cared for Children, Safeguarding and Equality, Health and Safety, Governor Training
Ensure at least 3 governors are appointed and trained to complete the Headteacher’s Performance Management
Maintain and update annually a file of pecuniary interest declarations
Review, adopt and monitor a governors’ expenses policy
Review annually the delegation of functions and committee structure
Organise support and training for governors
Generic terms of reference for all committees
Not less than three governors appointed by the Governing Body plus any Associate members appointed by the Governing Body to the committee.
The committee may make recommendations to the Governing Body for co-option of non-governor members
The Committee Chair should be appointed at the beginning of each school year by the governing body or by the committee and shall not be an Associate member or a non-governor member. NB a staff governor/headteacher may chair a committee but must not be responsible for taking minutes.
The Chair of Governors can be an ex-officio member of each committee and may attend each committee meeting and vote because s/he has chosen to be a governor.
The Headteacher may attend meetings but may not vote unless s/he has chosen to be a governor.
Any member of staff other than the Headteacher, when the subject for consideration is the pay, performance or discipline of any other member of staff. The Headteacher or any governor may not attend when he/she is the subject under discussion or there is a perceived conflict of interest.
Three governors who are appointed members of the committee.
At least three times in each school year prior to ordinary full Governing Body meetings.
Committee meetings will not be open to the public but minutes are available except for Part II Minutes.
In the absence of the Chair, the committee shall choose an acting Chair for that meeting from among their number.
In the event of a tied vote the Chair or acting Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
It is advisable that each committee shall choose a clerk at the beginning of each meeting.
The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full Governing Body and will be presented at that meeting by the Chair (or in his/her absence another member of the committee).
General Terms
To act on matters delegated by the full Governing Body.
To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary.
Ensure governors have a clear understanding of the vision and aims and strengths and weaknesses of the school so they can effectively contribute to the school’s self-evaluation process;
To contribute to the School Improvement Plan.
Although primary responsibilities for policies concerning Health and Safety, Inclusion, and Safeguarding, are delegated to specific committees, all committees should consider relevant aspects of these.
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Well Being Committee
To review, adopt and monitor an overall curriculum policy.
To review and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning
To review and evaluate the quality of provision in the Early Years
To review and evaluate the impact of pupil involvement in school i.e. School Council
In collaboration with staff, to provide information about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced.
To review and evaluate the provision for Global Citizenship and links with other school and the local community
To review and evaluate PHSCE and pupil well being
To review and evaluate provision for Cared for Children
To review, adopt and monitor policies for Collective Worship and Sex and Relationship Education.
To ensure that the requirements of children with special needs and disability are met, as laid out in the Code of Practice.
To advise the Finance and Personnel committee on the relative funding priorities necessary to deliver the curriculum.
To oversee the arrangements for educational visits including the appointment of a named Co-ordinator.
To prepare and publish the school prospectus.
To review, adopt and monitor the implementation and impact of policies as indicated on the list contained in the Appendix
To review and evaluate attendance and behaviour
Premises and Health and Safety Committee
To provide support and guidance for the Governing Body and the Headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including Health and Safety.
To inspect the premises and grounds annually and to review the Asset
Management Plan in order to prepare a list of priorities for maintenance and development.
To advise the Finance committee on the relative funding priorities necessary for security, maintenance, repairs and redecoration, and to approve the costs and arrangements within the budget allocation.
The Headteacher is authorised to commit expenditure without the prior approval of the committee as stated in the Financial Delegation Document and in the case of any emergency where delay would result in further damage, or present a risk to the health and safety of pupils or staff. In this event the Headteacher would normally be expected to consult the committee Chair at the earliest opportunity.
To oversee the preparation and implementation of contracts related to premises.
To ensure that the Governing Body's responsibilities regarding litter, refuse and dog excrement are discharged according to Section 89 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, so far as is practicable.
To ensure any necessary liaison with the LA regarding premises issues.
In consultation with the Head teacher and the Finance committee to oversee any premises related funding bid.
To ensure the school complies with all statutory Health and Safety responsibilities and ensure any identified improvements are addressed
To review, adopt and monitor the implementation and impact of policies as indicated on the list in the DV Policy Schedule
Finance Committee
Financial Planning
To establish a three year budget plan taking into account the agreed priorities of the School Development / Improvement Plan
To draft and adopt a detailed annual budget plan (revenue and capital expenditure) taking into account the agreed priorities of the School Development / Improvement Plan.
To make decisions in respect of the service level agreement with the Local Authority (Trading Fair).
To determine whether sufficient funds are available for pay increments as recommended by the Headteacher or Performance Management Group.
To consider and approve recommendations made by the Premises Committee on all aspects relating to the school premises
Financial Monitoring - Public Funds
To monitor the income and expenditure throughout the year of all delegated and devolved funds against the annual budget plan using the budget monitor report produced by SIMS.
To receive details of any budgetary adjustment made by the Local Authority through the Income Allocation Notification process.
To report to the Governing Body any significant anomalies in the performance of the school against the annual budget plan.
Subject to the local scheme of delegation (See Finance Policy), to approve any budgetary adjustments that will from time to time be necessary in response to the evolving requirements of the school.
To receive, and where appropriate, respond to all audit reports on the delegated and devolved funds.
To carry out Best Value Reviews in accordance with the Best Value Statement.
To review comparative financial statistics presented by the Local Authority and obtained from the DfE benchmarking website.
To receive a report from the Headteacher following the annual inspection of the School assets as recorded in the asset registers / inventories.
Non-public funds
To receive reports and monitor the income and expenditure throughout the year.
To appoint an external auditor of these funds.
To receive and respond to the audit report on these funds.
Financial Management Standard in Schools (SFVS)
To review the School’s self-assessment in preparation for the external assessment.
To annually complete the Statement of Internal Control
To annually review Governors’ competencies in regards to continued professional development as stated under SFVS
To receive and respond on any report issued by the external assess or following an external assessment.
Relationship with other committees
To receive reports from other committees that may have financial implications on the operation of the school.
Finance Policy and Local Scheme of Delegation
To ensure that the school operates within the requirements of the Local Authority’s Financial Management Scheme and Financial Regulations.
To review, adopt and monitor the impact of:
Finance Policy which includes the local scheme of delegation for spending and budgetary adjustments (virement) for the committee, Headteacher and other nominated staff.
Personnel and Pay Committee
In consultation with the Headteacher, to determine the staffing structure of the school to include an agreement regarding the rational and number of job share posts.
To draft and keep under review the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher and the Finance Committee.
To oversee the appointment procedure for all staff.
To review job descriptions for staff as appropriate and recommended by the Headteacher (links to SFVS evidence 4)
To review, adopt and monitor a policy statement on staff consultation and to undertake any formal consultations.
To annually review, adopt and monitor the procedures for dealing with staff discipline and grievances and ensure that staff are informed of these.
To act as “first committee” for formal disciplinary or complaints hearings.
To keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence
To review, adopt and monitor the Teacher’s Appraisal policy and ensure it is being carried out effectively and is having a positive impact on pupils’ achievement
To determine the membership of the Headteacher Performance Management Group. Membership of the HTPM group need not be drawn from this committee, but the committee should seek to ensure that HTPM group members have received appropriate training.
To establish and approve on an annual basis (statutory requirement), a Pay Policy for all categories of staff and to be responsible for its administration and review including the staffing structure (links to Schools Financial Values Standard(SFVS) evidence 5)
To ensure that the policy complies with the most recent School Teachers’ Pay & Conditions Document
To achieve the aims and objectives of the school pay policy and to apply the criteria set by the policy, including linkages with the school appraisal policy, in determining the pay of each member of staff
To ensure that clear job descriptions for each post at the school, so that additional allowances can be awarded in a fair, equitable and consistent manner
In consultation with the Headteacher, review the pay of all other members of staff annually in line with legal requirements and with reference to the performance management process.
To make a decision, based on the outcome of the Headteacher’s performance review, as to whether the Headteacher will progress up the leadership scale
To be responsible, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, for determining dismissal payments/early retirement
In consultation with staff, to oversee any process leading to staff reductions
To make recommendations on personnel related expenditure to the Finance Committee, including pay decisions and staffing structure costs
To recommend the annual pay budget, including pay progression at all levels. The governing body recognises that funding cannot be used as a criterion to decide performance pay progression
To minute clearly the reasons for all recommendations / decisions and to report these to the full Governing Body.
Every teacher’s salary must be reviewed annually, with effect from 1st September. A written statement of pay must be sent to each teacher by at LEAST the end of November each year.
To ensure that each member of staff receives each year a written statement of the breakdown of pay as at 1st September
No governor may participate in discussions leading to recommendations / decisions in which he / she has a pecuniary interest. PROCEDURE
To ensure that all staff are reminded of the school’s whistleblowing policy on a regular basis (links to SFVS evidence 21)
To review, adopt and monitor the implementation and impact of relevant policies (see policy Schedule)
* The Headteacher Performance Review Group could be formed from this committee, but its members should have received the appropriate training Disqualification – Any relevant person employed to work at the school other than as the Headteacher, when the subject for consideration is the pay or performance review of any person employed to work at the school.
The Pay Committee of the governing body is authorised to recommend / decide all pay matters.
3 members have been elected by the Governing Body:
Where the Headteacher is not a member of the pay committee, he / she will be entitled to attend all meetings in an advisory capacity. The Headteacher will leave the meeting when his/her pay is being discussed.
Raising Achievement Committee
The main function of the committee is to monitor and evaluate the standards and achievement of pupils and the impact of the quality of education provided. In all its business, the committee will take account of whether there has been a positive impact on pupils.
In particular, the committee will:
Discuss the targets set for all cohorts to ensure they are as aspirational as possible for all pupils;
Ensure all governors have a good understanding of the pupil achievement in relation to national standards and all schools nationally;
Monitor pupil progress in relation to the targets set and with specific reference to significant groups;
Receive and critically review school performance data including any provided by the Local Authority, Data Dash Board, Fischer Family Trust and RAISE online;
Monitor the impact/outcome of the curriculum and teaching on students' learning and achievement;
Monitor progress in meeting the key issues identified by any external monitoring e.g. SIP, Ofsted, HMI or LA;
Provide regular reports to the governing body on pupil attainment and progress;
Where appropriate, review and evaluate the effectiveness of Local Authority support and intervention;
Receive regular reports from the Headteacher on the monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning and how T+L is impacting on Key Improvement Priorities;
Monitor and evaluate the impact of the school's provision for vulnerable groups e.g. special educational needs, cared for pupils, pupils in receipt of support through pupil premium funding;
Review and monitor relevant areas of the school’s school improvement plan;
Request and receive reports, as and when required, from key members of staff e.g. curriculum leaders and senior leaders;
To review, adopt and monitor the impact of any relevant policies and or protocols
Terms of Reference for Link/Specialist Governors
Make focused visits to the school
Explore specific aspects within the link subject area to gain deeper understanding of relevant issues
Establish regular contact with people within the school with responsibility for the link subject area
Provide support and encouragement and a listening ear for staff members with whom they are linked
Monitor provision of equipment and use of school facilities
Attend relevant training, including relevant INSET days
Be involved with establishing/monitoring/evaluating the IMPACT of relevant policies adopted by the governing body within their link subject/specialist area
Become familiar with linked subject/specialist areas in the school development plan
Report back after visits, making recommendations as appropriate either via the agreed report format and or at committees or full governing body meetings
Terms of Reference for the Class Governor Role
Establish regular contact between the class teacher and the children
Explore the specific characteristics of the class to gain deeper understanding of relevant issues
Provide support, encouragement and a listening ear
Consider ways to encourage parental involvement
Explore how the characteristics of the class fit in with the school's development plan. This can help to improve understanding and effective questioning at governing body meetings
Report back to the governing body following visits, and making recommendations as appropriate
Name of governor |
Date and time of visit |
Purpose of the visit e.g. Link with Subject Leader, Specialist Role, Class Governor Visit. |
Involving: |
Link with the school development plan |
What did you see? What did you learn? What would you like clarified? How long did the visit last? |
The following actions were agreed: |
Headteacher |
Staff involved |
Governor |
Our Governing Body includes representatives from the Local Education Authority, Parents, Teaching and Support Staff and Community members. Further information about the role of governing bodies can be found on the Department for Education website.
Membership - Full Governing Body
The governing body has established and ratified the following committees which include staff and governor representatives:
Premises, Health and Safety
Raising Achievement
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Wellbeing
Personnel and Pay
Other committees are formed when necessary; these would include Headteacher’s performance management, interview panels, grievance and disciplinary committees.Please see website 'our governors' for current membership.
Monitoring Activity |
Impact |
Formal Governing Body Meetings |
Meeting statutory responsibilities and opportunities to celebrate success and challenge performance |
Committee meetings |
Monitoring specific aspects of school performance |
Link Governor Visits |
Monitoring specific aspects of school performance and observing policy in practice |
Specialist Governor Visits |
Monitoring Progress of Strategic Action Plans |
Ensuring good progress against agreed school improvement priorities |
Making effective use of objective information |
Triangulating the information provided by the school and benchmarking school performance against national data
Commissioning external reviews of teaching and learning |
Attending Leadership Partner Visits |
Benchmarking budget expenditure |
Robust performance management of the Headteacher |
Ensuring the headteacher receives the training and support he/she needs to carry out their responsibilities as effectively as possible and to reward performance |
Programme of school visits linked to the school improvement priorities |
Triangulating the information provided by the school and seeing policy in practice |
Standing item ‘impact on pupils’ on all agendas |
Ensuring the GB can demonstrate the impact of its work on improved pupil outcomes |
Asking and recording ‘questions and responses’ in all committee meetings |
Demonstrate the GB responsibility to ‘know the school’ and hold the school to account for its performance |
Recording an action log in all meetingsand holding everyone to account for completion |
Ensures agreed actions are followed up andincremental improvement is achieved |
Reviewing policies to ensure they meet legal requirements |
Meets statutory duties and ensures the school is operating within a secure, safe legal framework
Meetings with pupils, parents and staff |
Demonstrates the GB role in engaging with all stakeholders and ensures the school provision reflects needs and aspirations of the whole community |
Commissioning questionnaires and ensuring improvements are addressed |
Engaging with stakeholders |
Attendance at Parents Evenings |
Monthly meetings between Chair and Headteacher |
Ensures there is effective communication between the staff and governors regarding day to day issues and issues which require urgent attention |
Meeting with LA Finance Consultant half yearly |
Ensuring robust financial probity |
Termly Budget reports |
Monitoring expenditure against agreed priorities |
Governors’ Performance Dashboard |
High level strategic report on all aspect of school performance targetsprovided termly |
Strategic School Improvement |
Termly meetings which cover: Annual review of progress which feeds into the School Evaluation Document Termly review of progress of the Strategic School Improvement Plan – joint staff and governors |
Date reviewed and adopted: September 2016
Date of next review: September 2017
Signature of Chair of Governors: Maggie Swindells