Job descriptions




Boards of Governors have three core responsibilities:


  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


In order to achieve these responsibilities, the Governing Body (GB) works with the school on planning and developing polices and keeping the school under review. Its powers and responsibilities must be exercised in partnership with the Headteacher and staff.


What follows are ‘job descriptions’ for all and each of the categories of governors, plus a list of the duties of the Clerk to the Governors. The responsibilities listed in the All Governor task description cover every member of the GB; those listed under the separate headings are in addition to, not instead of, these general responsibilities.








  1. All governors
  2. Chair of Governors
  3. Vice Chair of Governors
  4. The Headteacher as governor
  5. Staff governor
  6. Parent governor
  7. Local Authority governor
  8. Community governor
  9. Associate member
  10. Committee chair
  11. Performance Management governor


  1. Training co-ordinator governor
  2. Special Needs governor
  3. Safeguarding/Looked after Children governor


  1. Equality and Diversity governor
  2. School Council governor
  3. Curriculum Link governor
  4. English and Mathematics governor
  5. ICT governor
  6. Gifted and Talented governor
  7. Pupil Premium governor
  8. Health and Safety governor
  9. Mentor governor
  10. Clerk to the governors










  • Attend meetings of the GB whenever possible, and provide good reasons for any failure to attend meetings
  • Prepare for and contribute to meetings and complete any agreed follow-up work



  • Contribute to the GB’s operation as an effective team by establishing and maintaining good working relationships with other governors and with staff
  • Recognise the power of the GB body is vested in the group and that no governor has individual authority unless it is delegated by the GB
  • Recognise the respective roles of the GB and the Headteacher and staff (the GB is a strategic body, the operational management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher)
  • Recognise that governors are equal members of the GB and accept collective responsibility. Speak or act on behalf of the GB only when authorised to do so
  • Accept a fair share of the GB’s work, including through active committee membership


Knowledge of the school

  • Arrange to visit the school when teaching and learning are taking place and attend school events and functions
  • Know the school’s strengths, its areas for development and improvement plans


Personal interests

  • Put responsibilities as a governor before personal interests
  • Ensure any business or pecuniary interests are declared as required and withdraw from meetings as appropriate



  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Act at all times fairly and without prejudice
  • Support the school in the community, exercising prudence and tact if contentious issues affecting the school arise outside the GB, and follow procedures agreed by the GB in making or responding to criticism or complaints


Personal development

  • Undertake training and take advantage of opportunities to increase understanding and effectiveness as a governor
  • Keep up to date with governance through reading and accessing information via the National Governors Association material, Ten Governor support, school information – the website and newsletter -  and Local Authority information.







Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed for ALL GOVERNORS



  • Ensure the effective organisation of the GB
  • Maintain a focus on the predominantly strategic role of the GB and establish a clear understanding of the different roles of governors and staff in the school
  • Ensure that all governors are clear about their roles through a clear description of their key tasks
  • Encourage and develop the GB’s role as critical friend
  • Build a team by recognising and using people’s strengths: delegate effectively, clarify objectives and use the whole GB



  • Work closely with the Headteacher and Clerk to plan effective GB meetings, ensuring relevant and realistic agendas
  • Plan the year’s cycle of meetings and a timetable for action and reports
  • Chair GB meetings effectively and efficiently: ensure meetings start and end on time, that agenda items are properly introduced, and that people are encouraged to contribute
  • Ensure all decisions taken at meetings are understood and minuted and that the necessary action is taken
  • Ensure, supported by the Clerk, that the GB’s meetings and affairs are conducted in accordance with the law
  • Ensure, with the Clerk, that governors receive relevant information and materials well in advance of meetings
  • Emphasise that all governors must accept collective responsibility for decisions taken at governors’ meetings
  • Use committees and smaller groups to meet statutory requirements, develop new ideas and agree plans of action



  • Encourage commitment, loyalty and high standards of behaviour by governors through personal example and the development of clear, written expectations in a
  • Code of Conduct
  • Take the lead in managing the GB’s accountability to parents
  • Act on behalf of the GB in emergencies and report any urgent action taken on behalf of the GB, ensuring it is fully explained and supported
  • Co-ordinate the GB’s response to new legislation and emerging priorities



  • Work with the GB to provide strategic direction: implement, plan and monitor progress
  • Co-ordinate the formulation of an annual GB development plan in sympathy with the school development plan and the Children’s Services Authority’s education development plan, and ensure that all governors have an opportunity to contribute to school development and target setting
  • Work with the Headteacher and governors on effective school policies
  • Take the lead in co-ordinating the work of the governing body in relation to Ofsted inspection
  • Ensure that the processes of governor recruitment, induction and development are effective



  • Be seen regularly in the school and attend school functions
  • Develop and maintain effective teamwork by the GB
  • Be accessible to governors, staff and parents and keep in touch with governors between meetings
  • Develop working relationships with all governors, including particularly the Vice Chair and chairs of committees, and ensure that individual governors’ strengths are known and used and their efforts recognised
  • Ensure that the efforts of staff are recognised by the GB
  • Develop an honest, open and supportive partnership with the Headteacher, making time to listen to concerns and give constructive advice
  • Develop working relationships with the Children’s Services Authority, the diocese and other key partners
  • Work in close partnership with the Clerk to manage the work of the GB effectively
  • Create opportunities for informal gatherings of governors and staff
  • Discourage cabals and caucuses in the GB
  • Meet governors of other local schools from time to time
  • Be ready to admit failure and accept more than a fair sharer of blame
  • Be ready to take on the jobs no-one else will do





Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All governors


  • Deputise during the absence of the Chair of Governors
  • Support the Chair in the conduct of meetings
  • Work closely with the Chair and take responsibility for agreed areas of work, e.g.:
  • Support the effective operation of committees
  • Check, with the Chair, that decisions taken by the GB are enacted
  • Co-ordinate the induction of new governors
  • Co-ordinate training of individual governors and the governing body







The Headteacher is automatically a member of the GB and counts as a staff governor. Any Headteacher who decides not to be a governor must let the Clerk know in writing, and the place remains reserved.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at ALL GOVERNORS

  • Support the GB in identifying its role in school development and improvement
  • Meet regularly with the Chair (and perhaps the Clerk) to plan, monitor and review meetings and the work of the GB
  • Provide information to the GB and its committees, including regular reports on the progress of the school development plan and academic standards
  • Co-ordinate a programme of governor visits to the school
  • Promote partnership between staff and governors
  • Demonstrate respect for and value the contribution of the GB and individual governors
  • Help governors with the challenge aspect of critical friendship by encouraging relevant questions and providing clear and accurate explanations





Teaching and support staff paid to work at the school are eligible to stand as staff governors. At least one staff governor in addition to the Headteacher must be a teacher, but if no teacher stands a member of the support staff can be elected. Staff governors are elected by the staff at the school and cannot be removed from office.

All staff may vote in all staff governor elections: the old distinction which allowed only teaching staff to vote for teachers and support staff for support staff has been discontinued. If staff governors leave the school they cannot remain on the GB.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at ALL GOVERNORS

  • Have the wellbeing of the school as your prime consideration
  • Ensure you enjoy the equal treatment to which you are entitled, but be aware of the possible sensitivity of involvement in some staff - or pupil - related matters
  • Avoid involvement in discussions or decisions where you have a personal interest in the outcome
  • Develop strategies, in consultation with the Headteacher, that enable you to represent staff opinions as well as your personal views at governors’ meetings
  • Vote on issues according to your knowledge, experience and conscience
  • Visit the school as a governor on occasion



  • Share decisions with staff according to protocols on reporting and confidentiality established by the GB in consultation with teacher and staff governors and the Headteacher
  • Ensure that delicate issues are discussed with the Headteacher before meetings



Develop your role as a governor, including by attending relevant governor training





Parent governors are elected by parents or carers of registered pupils attending the school at the time of the election. They do not have to stand down if their child leaves the school but may do so if they wish. They may not be removed from office.


If insufficient parents stand for election, the GB can appoint parent governors and may remove an appointed parent governor from office. You may not be a parent governor if you are an elected member of the LEA/Children’s Services Authority or if you work at the school for more than 500 hours a year at the time of appointment.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All governors

  • Have the wellbeing of the school as your prime consideration
  • Act as representatives, not delegates, of the school’s parent body
  • Develop strategies, in consultation with the Headteacher, that enable you to gain the views of parents and report back to them
  • Take a particular interest in ensuring effective communication between the GB and parents and also the school and parents
  • Ensure the GB manages its accountability to parents effectively
  • Ensure that matters of individual or collective parental concern are handled according to policy by staff, the Headteacher, the Chair or the GB



  • Establish productive links with the parents’ association



  • Develop your role as a governor, including by attending relevant governor training





LA governors are appointed by the LA following publicity through schools and contacts with existing LA governors who may want to stand for re-election. The final decision on appointments is made by an Education Appointments Panel of elected members and ratified by the Cabinet. The DfE urges LAs to appoint people irrespective of whether or not they have a particular political preference. The LA can remove these governors with reasonable cause.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All GOVERNORS

  • Have the wellbeing of the school as your prime consideration
  • Act as a representative, not a delegate, of the LA
  • Seek to know and understand the LA’s education policies and have views about their impact on the school
  • In consultation with the GB, make sure the LA is aware of matters relating to its policies as they affect local schools
  • In consultation with the GB, consider wider issues of education in the area
  • Take a particular interest on behalf of the GB in the services provided by or made available to the school by the LA and relate this to considerations of Best Value
  • Contribute to effective links between the LA and the school
  • Develop your role as a governor, including by attending relevant governor training





In Foundation, VC or VA schools, foundation governors are appointed to represent the interests of the church authority or voluntary trust or organisation which established the school. Their terms of office are shown in the Instrument.


They can be removed by the people who appointed them with reasonable cause. In some schools there are ex-officio foundation governors, often the parish priest in church schools. In VA schools there must be enough foundation governors to outnumber all the other members of the GB. In VC schools and in schools with a charitable, rather than a church, foundation the number of foundation governors is at least two but no more than a quarter of the whole GB.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All governors

  • Have the wellbeing of the school as your prime consideration
  • Preserve the distinctiveness of the school through its aims, policies and practice
  • Be aware of the distinctive responsibilities of foundation schools and their GBs: for example, regarding staff, admissions and premises
  • Ensure you and the GB are aware of issues relating to the church or foundation



  • Maintain contact with the foundation
  • In VA schools, ensure that the majority of foundation governors does not result in the marginalisation of the views of other governors



  • Develop your role as a governor, including by attending specific governor training relevant to the roles and responsibilities of church school governors





Co-opted governors are chosen by the GB to represent community interests.

They can be people who live or work locally or others who are committed to ‘the good government and success of the school’. They can be removed by the GB.

Employees and pupil at the school and members of the CSA are not eligible to stand.



Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All GOVERNORS

  • Have the wellbeing of the school as your prime consideration
  • Use your knowledge of the wider community to inform the decisions of the GB
  • Promote the school in the wider community
  • Use your knowledge, skills and interests for the school’s benefit



  • Develop your role as a governor, including by attending relevant governor training





If a foundation or foundation special school has no foundation or equivalent body, it has partnership governors in place of foundation governors. The GB seeks nominations to vacancies from parents and others in the community and with an interest in the school. All parents must be informed of their opportunity to make nominations. People may nominate themselves, but pupils and the parents of pupils are not eligible to stand, and neither are employees of the school or members of the LA. If there are insufficient nominations the GB can make its own appointment.


Partnership governors may not be removed by the GB.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All governors

  • Have the wellbeing of the school as your prime consideration
  • Use your knowledge of the wider community to inform the decisions of the GB
  • Promote the school in the wider community
  • Use your knowledge, skills and interests for the school’s benefit


  • Develop your role as a governor, including by attending relevant governor training





People who give substantial assistance to a school, financially or in kind, or who provide services to the school, can be appointed as sponsor governors by a GB.


This allows for external partners, including other schools, who offer advice and support to a school to be represented on the GB. A GB is not required to appoint sponsor governors and may appoint a maximum of two.


The role of the sponsor governor will vary according to the reason for the appointment, but the list of responsibilities for all governors shown at the start of this paper should be observed.






GBs can benefit from being able to draw on expertise and experience from outside their formal governor membership. The GB can appoint associate members to serve on one or more of the GB committees and attend full GB meetings. Associate members are not governors but people interested in contributing to the work of the


GB and the definition of associate member is wide and can include pupils, school staff and people with a particular area of expertise. Associate members are appointed for between one and four years and can be reappointed. They can be removed by the GB at any time. Provided they are 18 they can have bestowed voting rights within a committee, but not on any resolution concerning admissions, pupil discipline, election or appointment of governors, or the budget and financial commitments of the GB.


The role of the associate member will vary according to the reason for the appointment, but the list of responsibilities for all governors shown at the start of this paper should be observed.





The GB appoints committees, sets their terms of reference and agrees any delegated powers.


Role and responsibilities

  • Ensure that the terms of reference and delegated powers of the committee are
  • known and understood by all governors
  • Ensure that the committee fulfils relevant legal obligations on behalf of the GB
  • Co-ordinate the committee’s contribution to the GB’s communications policies



  • Work with the Chair of Governors, other committee chairs and the Headteacher to ensure coherence in the management of the GB and the school
  • Promote effective teamwork and good working relationships within the committee



  • Formulate a committee development plan at the beginning of each academic year, consistent with the priorities of the school and the GB
  • Ensure that members’ strengths and interests are recognised and used in achieving the committee’s objectives
  • Encourage the continued development of committee members’ knowledge and understanding, including through training
  • Lead an annual review of committee work, making recommendations to the GB



  • Ensure effective clerking arrangements for the committee
  • Plan an annual meetings programme to fit in with the GB and other committees
  • Ensure that meetings are effectively planned and chaired, and that follow-up activity is completed
  • Ensure that minutes are accurate and published promptly
  • Ensure that confidentiality is maintained




Performance Management Governors


The GB appoints governors for

the Headteacher’s performance

management. These governors

MUST, LEGALLY, work with an

external adviser.




  • Undertake training to understand the responsibilities of the appointed governors
  • Be aware of any relevant changes in legislation affecting the role
  • Ensure that the GB has appointed a lead appointed governor
  • Prepare, with the Headteacher, for the review meeting by ensuring monitoring arrangements for current objectives have been effected as planned and that objectives for the new year are considered and discussed
  • Ensure you have a good understanding of pupil performance data, current priorities in the school development plan and emerging priorities to inform suitable and possible objectives for the Headteacher
  • Consider any issues arising from the current objectives and the monitoring of those objectives, to inform discussion


Working with the External Adviser

  • Work with the Headteacher to secure an external adviser
  • Agree with the Headteacher and the external adviser the timing of the review meeting
  • Agree with the external adviser and the Headteacher the agenda for the meeting, chairing arrangements, minutes and decisions on current and new objectives
  • Decide, advised by the Headteacher and the external adviser, the data, information and forms that the external adviser needs and ensure this is sent out in good time
  • Consider, with the Headteacher, the external adviser’s suggestions for the Headteacher’s objectives, based on an analysis of the information received
  • Gather evidence of the monitoring of current year objectives in preparation for the informal and formal meetings with the external adviser.
  • Use the informal meeting with the external adviser to learn and inform about the PM process for the Headteacher, including the review and setting of objectives


The meeting and outcomes

  • Ensure that a fair decision is reached, based on evidence, about the satisfactory achievement of the Headteacher’s current year objectives
  • Seek agreement with the Headteacher on the new objectives, ensuring that at least one objective relates to pupil progress, at least one to leadership and management and that an objective for the head’s professional development is considered, taking any advice offered by the EA into consideration
  • Ensure that the objectives are relevant and realistic, unambiguously stated and measurable, indicating milestones and monitoring procedures
  • Formalise in writing the decision on the achievement of current objectives, with copies to the appointed governors and the Headteacher
  • Ensure the programme of monitoring new objectives is implemented as planned
  • Contribute to the annual review of the GB’s performance management policy






Governor Training and Development

Job Description

To help their schools most

effectively, governing bodies

need to take their own

development seriously. They

should consider their training

and support needs carefully,

and be prepared to allocate

funds for courses, visits to

other schools or training for the

whole governing body. 

Governing bodies and effective

schools DCFS


Governing bodies are

recommended to appoint a link

governor for training and

development. .


Good working relationships

with all governors and the

Clerk  is crucial for this role to

be effective.


  • Assist in planning of development activities for governors in accordance with the school development plan and priorities, as well as taking account of individual needs
  • Making use of school development plan, draw up prioritized list of skills and knowledge needed by governing body. Ensure school development plan has section on governor learning and development
  • Ensure new governors receive school based induction pack, governors handbook and are encouraged to attend Local Authority induction sessions (recommended procedures under SFVS)
  • Ensure effective school based induction procedures for governors are in place
  • Ensure all governors receive yearly training programme and support booking process  if required
  • Encourage governors to attend training and development opportunities and report back to governing body on value and content (preferably via a standing agenda item)
  • Ensure decisions are made with regard to training and development Service Level Agreement and ensure that sufficient money is allocated to support governor development
  • Promote skills/experience audits and training needs audit – especially when inducting new governors
  • Encourage governing body to undertake an annual self-review and liaise with governor Support Service to secure bespoke training session if required to support this
  • Liaise with other schools to promote joint training sessions
  • Liaise with Governor Support Service in all matters relating to training 
  • Receive record of attendance of governors at training and development sessions from the Governor Support Service  and report back to governing body. Ensure record is filed safely
  • Ensure certificates of attendance at training provided by Governor  Support Service are received and given to governors
  • Attend annual link governor forum to inform future training  programme delivered by Governor Support Service 

Assist in maintenance of library of resources and information for governors




Special Educational Needs

 Job descriptors

The code of practice for

identification and Assessment of Special educational Needs

recommends the nomination of a named governor to take a

particular interest on behalf of the governing body in the way

the school manages its provision for children with SEN,

and to report regularly to the governing body.

  • Keep informed about relevant legislation and request to be kept informed about new materials published and distributed to schools
  • Liaise with SENCO, other governors and staff as necessary
  • Assist in monitoring/evaluating SEN policy and ensure its annual review
  • Ensure all parents are kept informed of schools policy and communication between parents of children with SEN and the school is 2 way
  • Consider  whether governing body decisions will have implications on SEN
  • Attend relevant training (including INSET – by invitation)
  • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school using agreed protocol on visiting




Job descriptors

Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 states

governing bodies must ensure they exercise their

functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting

the welfare of children and to have regard to guidance

issued by the Secretary of State.

Essentially this duty requires governing bodies to have

appropriate child protection procedures in place and

are well resourced.


Schools should have in place procedures for handling

suspected cases of child abuse including those to be

followed if an allegation is made against a member of staff.


Schools should have a designated senior teacher and

nominated governor with responsibility for child

protection. If a specific governor is not named the

responsibility will fall to the Chair of governors.

The role of Child Protection Governor and

Safeguarding sit well together as one role and could

also incorporate a link role for Looked After Children.

As good practice, in order to provide the appropriate

challenge and scrutiny within this role, it is

recommended that this role is not undertaken by a

staff governor.

You must be aware of the importance of confidentiality.


The role is not about:

  • Investigating concerns  and allegations
  • Asking for information or details about individual cases or pupils
  • Acting independently
  • Creating additional work for staff
  • Liaise with designated teacher (often the Headteacher) on a regular basis and provide a link between staff and governing body
  • Oversee  procedures relating to allegations made against Headteacher (this is not a direct role in undertaking enquiries, criminal or disciplinary investigations but one of liaison, ensuring good communication between all parties and providing information to assist enquiries if requested
  • Ensure Local Authority, all staff and governors are aware of name of designated member of staff and nominated governor
  • Ensure all staff members (including designated teacher) and governors have received  training  at the appropriate level
  • Support the governing body to have a greater understanding of child protection/safeguarding procedures and liaise with training and development link governor to secure bespoke training if appropriate
  • Attend relevant training – including enhanced safeguarding
  • Ensure school has up to date and robust child protection policies and procedures consistent with Local Authority Safeguarding Board and that these are reviewed annually by governing body
  • Ensure parents are aware of procedures in place
  • Ensure governors, via an agenda item, receive regular reports on:
  • changes to policy/procedures
  •  training undertaken within school,
  • incidents of bullying and racial incidents
  • number of looked after on roll
  • number of exclusions
  • number of children on child protection register

please note that all data provided above should not include any personal information

(many Headteachers will include much of the information above  in their termly reports but it would be acceptable to receive the

information annually)

  • Ensure section 175 audit is completed by school and governing body receives action plan
  • Ensure all staff are aware of relevant policies in place and are familiar with referral process
  • Ensure all staff receive induction training on child protection appropriate to their role and responsibilities
  • Ensure Headteacher and one other governor has undertaken NCSL safer recruitment training to strengthen safeguards against employing unsuitable people

ensure appropriate reporting and recording procedures are in place and staff are familiar with these

  • Find out how school delivers the Every Child Matters agenda in particular stay safe, being happy and enjoying and achieving.
  • Ensure relevant school policies have an appropriate link to safeguarding such as:
  • Anti bullying
  • Behaviour management
  • Child Protection
  • Allegations against staff
  • Drugs guidance
  • Extended schools
  • Health and safety
  • First aid
  • Internet safety
  • PSHE
  • Physical handling and restraint
  • Racial equality
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Educational trips
  • Sex education
  • Use of photographs and video
  • Use of volunteers and helpers
  • Whistle blowing
  • Work experience
    • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school using agreed protocol on visiting


 Under section 52 of the Children Act 2004 local authorities have a duty to promote the educational achievement of children in their care. In order to implement this duty successfully they will need the active co-operation of schools. Governing bodies have a major responsibility for helping children to succeed, to raise awareness and challenge negative stereotypes.


Governing bodies are asked to have a nominated governor with the responsibility for Looked After Children.

  • Ensure school has designated teacher for looked after children
  • Ensure designated teacher attends appropriate training
  • Liaise with designated teacher and keep governing body informed about issues affecting looked after children
  • Attend specific training
  • Keep abreast of local and national issues affecting looked after children
  • Ensure there is an annual report to the governing body with regard to progress and attendance of children in public care, training undertaken by staff, opportunities for looked after children to play a particular role in the life of the school
  • Ensure LA is aware of name of nominated governor
  • Ensure policy on looked after children is monitored and reviewed and assist in process
  • Ensure over subscription criteria meets statutory requirements
  • Ensure priorities for looked after children are considered when reviewing school policies
  • Ensure school has an overview of the educational needs and progress of looked after children
  • Ensure procedures are in place for looked after children to have up to date personal education plans





Equality, Diversity and community cohesion

Job descriptors

 Governing bodies are required to

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Promote equality of opportunity
  • Promote good relations between people in a diverse community
  • Promote community cohesion


Establishing a link role for equalities will help to ensure the governing body fulfils its statutory duties

  • Ensure school has designated teacher for equality and diversity
  • Ensure designated teacher attends appropriate training
  • Liaise with designated teacher and keep governing body informed about issues affecting equality and diversity
  • Attend specific training (including INSET by invitation)
  • Keep abreast of local and national issues affecting equality
  •  and diversity
  • Ensure governing body is fully aware of the legal requirements placed on it in relation to equalities and community cohesion
  • Ensure priorities for equality and diversity are considered when reviewing school policies
  • Ensure equality policies are updated in line with legislative changes
  • Ensure governing body receives regular monitoring reports including achievements and complaints
  • Ensure good practice is celebrated
  • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school using agreed protocol on visiting




School Council

Job descriptors


  • Find out how the school council operates, frequency of meetings, agendas,  development of democratic systems
  • Provide an information and communications link between governing body and council – two way flow
  • Try to attend school council meetings (on invitation) as appropriate to agenda items
  • Ensure governing body is aware of the work and role of school council and its impact on raising standards
  • Support and promote the involvement of pupils in informing the decision making processes of the governing body such as consultations
  • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school council using agreed protocol and reporting procedures





Curriculum ‘Subject’ link

Job descriptors – please also see additional suggestions for particular curriculum areas below

It is suggested that subject link governor’s report back to the governing body at committee level, which in turn will be offered to the full governing body within the committee minutes.



  • Take an interest in chosen area and keep up to date with local and national initiatives, Ofsted inspection criteria and current policy and practice impacting upon subject
  • Meet on a regular basis with relevant co-ordinator to become informed on policies and practices in place in school and how the subject fits into school development plan
  • Assist in monitoring and review of relevant policies and ensure this is completed in line with policy review timetable
  • Liaising with subject co-ordinator, obtain following information:
  • Training available
  • Condition and availability of resources
  • SEN provision for subject area
  • Planning, assessment and recording procedures
  • Standards of achievement
  • Operation of policies
  • Provide link about schools practice and policy in chosen area with school and governing body
  • Attend relevant training (including INSET – by invitation)
  • Visit school, within agreed protocol for governors visits, to observe lessons in order to better understand how subject is taught
  • Support and promote involvement of parents including assisting in lessons
  • Encourage co-ordinator to give occasional presentation to governing body
  • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school using agreed protocol on visiting and reporting procedures





English or Mathematics



  • Support and promote involvement of parents in strategy e.g. via prospectus, parents evenings, newsletters etc
  • Ensure all governors are familiar with the English/Maths curriculum
  • Ensure governing body receives reports on how strategies are progressing and impact on standards
  • Assist school in monitoring/ evaluation/impact of current strategy action plan
  • Help school secure resources to implement strategy e.g. people, time, finance
  • Support school to help prioritise English/Maths in the development plan




Job descriptors – in addition to curriculum area descriptors

(further detailed pack available from Governor Support Service on request)

  • Monitor legal requirements for ICT
  • Support the potential use of ICT for governors
  • Ensure all staff are adequately trained to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning and make effective use of resources
  • Support research to maximize further funding for ICT





Gifted and Talented

Job descriptors

It is considered good practice to appoint a link for gifted and talented as it gives status and a commitment to the schools support for the able children.

  • Ensure able children are in the school development plan
  • Ensure curriculum targets include high attainers
  • Attend relevant training (including INSET – by invitation)
  • Assist in the monitoring/evaluating of appropriate policies
  • Meet on a regular basis with relevant co-ordinator to become informed on policies and practices in place in school
  • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school council using agreed protocol and reporting procedures






Pupil Premium Governor

Job descriptors

Understand relevant school pupil performance data that shows progress of different groups over time and to the hold the school to account for ensuring that all available funding is used effectively to close the attainment between children who are in receipt of a free school meal and those who are not.


·       Be familiar with the concept of the pupil premium; what it is, why it has been set in place, how it is allocated, how it is calculated, which groups of pupils attract the premium

·       Obtain and become familiar with the school's pupil premium policy, if it has one

·       Know basic pupil premium facts for the school; how many pupils attract the premium, how this figure compares with other local and similar schools, how the money is spent

·       Understand relevant school pupil performance data that shows progress of different groups over time

·       Monitor spending of the pupil premium, ensuring the money is spent in identifiable ways to support target groups of pupils

·       Monitor the impact of pupil premium spending on target groups

·       Meet occasionally with the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and/or other staff responsible for performance data to discuss issues around underperforming groups including those eligible for the pupil premium

·       Monitor the attainment of different groups of pupils over time to provide evidence of how pupil premium pupils are progressing compared with others

·       Challenge the allocation of the pupil premium grant if there is no clear audit trail evidencing appropriate use of the resources

·       Take an active part in any governing body or committee discussions when the allocation and monitoring of the pupil premium is discussed and decided

·       Report back to the governing body on the school's use of the pupil premium




Health and Safety

Job descriptors

The nominated governor should link with side the named health and safety representative and should be a member of the committee managing health and safety issues on behalf of the governing body

In community schools statutory health and safety responsibilities falls to the Local Authority (LA) (as the employer) and on the Headteacher who has day to day responsibility for managing health and safety. Other school employees have responsibilities as set out in legislation, in LA policy and schools policy.

In Voluntary Aided schools statutory health and safety responsibilities fall to the governing body (as the employer) and the governing body must decide on duties to be carried out by Headteacher and other employees.

In practice the governing body should delegate specific health and safety tasks to others in the school but retains ultimate responsibility.

  • Work with schools health and safety representative to make regular termly health and safety inspections of premises
  • Attend appropriate training (and INSET days on invitation)
  • Keep governing body informed of health and safety issues
  • Keep up to date with current legislation relating to health and safety matters received in school  or other publications
  • Assist in monitoring and review of health and safety policy and ensure this is completed annually
  • Ensure suitable risk assessments are carried out as set out in health and safety policy, that these are reviewed annually and suitable procedures put in place to manage risks
  • Ensure procedures such as fire drills are carried out
  • Ensure regular reports on health and safety matters are received by governing body such as accident statistics, results of health and safety checks
  • Ensure local authority annual health and safety audit is carried out
  • Be aware of health and safety implications of matters under consideration by governing body and ensure these are understood before a decision is taken
  • Report back to the governing body following focused visits to school using agreed protocol on visit








Job descriptors

Some inexperienced governors can find the complexity, language and legal formalities of GB meetings, often filled with people they don’t know, difficult and even overwhelming. The GB may like to appoint a mentor for each new governor – an experienced and trusted adviser who, as part of induction, can help the new member integrate into the role. This is not only an enormously valuable way of supporting new colleagues; it has been shown in some GBs to reduce early resignation.


Role and responsibilities in addition to those listed at All GOVERNORS

  • Co-ordinate, on behalf of the GB, the effective induction of new governors
  • Develop an induction pack of materials to familiarise new governors with the school and the GB
  • Be available as a first point of contact for new governors
  • Liaise with the school, the Clerk and Governor Services to ensure that new governors receive the information the law requires they must have
  • Liaise with the Chair and the Headteacher to ensure that new governors are invited to see round the school and to meet staff and pupils
  • Liaise with the Chair to ensure that new governors are welcomed at their first meeting and introduced to other members and their roles
  • Help new governors to prepare for meetings by explaining the agenda items and discussing accompanying papers – maybe sit with them in meetings
  • Encourage new governors to undertake training and explain the role of the training co-ordinator governor
  • Help the new governor and the GB to select appropriate committees for new governors, meeting their interests and using knowledge and skills effectively
  • Meet new governors to evaluate their first year in office










The law requires that the GB appoint a Clerk to the Governing Body. The Clerk is responsible for, among other matters, convening and attending meetings, taking minutes, maintaining a register of GB members and being equipped to offer or access advice on legal and professional issues. All governors should know how, when and where the Clerk may be contacted.


This list of duties is taken principally from the model DfE job description for Clerks.

Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm