School Lunches and Snacks
The Kitchen@DeanValley is run by our excellent catering team.
Fresh meat is supplied by Barrows Butchers of Bollington and all butchers meat is farm assured with pork, turkey and chicken Red Tractor certified. Potatoes, vegetables and fruit are sourced locally when in season and also used for salads and fruit platters. Bread, cheese and yogurt are sourced from the North West within Lancashire and Cheshire and our milk comes from a local dairy and is delivered twice a week. All fish is MSC, meaning it comes from a sustainable source governed by the Marine Stewardship Council.
In addition to lunches, the Catering Team offer a snack service at morning break time. This is available to all children from reception through to year 6 and is purchased in advance for the term. Snack is 30p per day this consists of toast and fruit. Children are able to bring their own healthy snack to school if they do not wish to purchase to school option.
Children can also bring in their own water in a named non-breakable lidded beaker type container. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 also get fresh fruit to eat each afternoon, such as pear, satsuma, apple and/or banana, at no cost to parents.
The school menu runs on a 2 week rota and is changed three times a year through consultation with children, plus there are weekly special menus offered throughout the year to celebrate particular occasions or events. Specific dietary requirements such as gluten free, vegetarian, allergies, etc can be catered for - please contact the School Catering Manager to discuss further. A home cooked Christmas lunch is also provided, complete with all the trimmings and party music!
Children make their lunch choice at morning registration, which is then sent to the kitchen and the lunches freshly prepared so children are assured they will get their choice of lunch.
Meals currently cost £2.55 per child per day and snack costs 30p per day.
If you would like your child to enjoy a meal at school, please let the school know. Meals can be taken every day, or just certain days of the week, and payment must be made online via ePayments (see separate web page about ePayments). Please note that 6 weeks’ notice is required to stop school lunches due to the advanced ordering of fresh food and ingredients to meet anticipated demand.
Lunch and snack payments needs to be made prior to the start of term.
The catering team are more than happy to talk to parents about any feedback they may have, any concerns they have with their child's eating, or deal with any special dietary requirements. Please telephone the school and select option 2 to speak direct to the kitchen.
From September 2014 all KS1 children will be eligible for Universal Free School Meals. Some families may also be eligible for income related free school meals for their child. For information about free school meals including how to claim please click here
The current menu is below.