Online Safety

To find out more about online safety, or e-Safety, please follow the links below.


Our school has recently participated in a ‘Be Internet Legends’ assembly Google and Parent Zone. You can watch our assembly again below. 

Parent Zone offer free workshops on a range of online safety themes.  You can attend these workshops by visiting here:

Do you want your family to be internet legends?

Visit the page below to discover ways to promote online safety at home. There are quizzes, games, competitions and more.

Turn your family into Internet Legends! — Parent Zone – Parents' area

Finally, the children were introduced to Interlands and the Internauts,  a virtual world with characters that look at different key areas of online safety. These can be accessed here.

Interland (


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Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm